Introduction Many irresponsible, bad breeders present themselves as responsible and reputable breeders. You have to be vigilant and very careful in order to avoid becoming a victim. Learn here how to spot a bad breeder. Becoming a victim of a bad breeder means you can end up with huge veterinary expenses on top of your …
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Introduction Certain dog breeds have an undeserved reputation of being dangerous dogs. This makes them unpopular choices for adopters. Along with certain other breeds of dog, they are overlooked in animal shelters and rescues. Local authority pounds and shelters put animals to death after a short time period. Some other shelters and rescues do the …
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Introduction There are many different parts of the animal rescue community. All these different elements work together to rescue pets and other animals. You will see on this page how they all work to get an animal to safety. You can also see if you would like to get involved with any of these aspects. …
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Introduction Would you like to adopt a pet and save an innocent life? Or Maybe you would prefer saving lives by fostering or sponsoring an animal? This page will help you find animal rescues all over the UK, US, and other countries where you can adopt, foster or sponsor an animal. There is a list of animal …
Continue reading “List of Animal Rescue Shelters – Adopt A Pet”
Introduction Pet fostering is where you temporarily look after an animal in your home, until it finds a permanent home. If you are fostering a wild animal, it is until it goes back in to the wild. Animal fostering saves lives. You can also save lives by sponsoring either an animal, or a rescue space. Millions …
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Introduction By adopting a shelter dog, cat, or other animal, you can save that animals life. You will also free up a life saving rescue space for another animal. Millions of innocent animals in shelters and pounds are put to death each year due to lack of rescue spaces. Adopters and foster homes are needed …
Continue reading “Adopting A Shelter Dog, Or Other Animal”
Introduction If you adopt a rescue pet, you save the lives of an innocent animal. You also do this when animal sponsoring and fostering. On this page you can learn of the issues facing abandoned pets, and how you can help. Image: Shelter dog with “Why doesn’t anyone want me?” sign. Source Why Millions Of Innocent Pets …
Continue reading “Why To Adopt A Rescue Pet”
Introduction We love to learn of how our website visitors use their time, skills, talents and abilities to help animals. Learn how some of our website visitors have been helping stop animal cruelty and giving help to animals in need. If you feel inspired by these compassionate people, you can see many different ways you …
Continue reading “How Website Visitors Are Helping Stop Cruelty to Animals”
Introduction On this page you will find animal rights outreach materials. These include vegan and animal rights posters, leaflets, flyers, and stickers. You can download many of these these materials for free. Ordering them pre-printed can sometimes incur a small charge. Any charge is usually to cover printing and postage costs. Anything left goes towards …
Continue reading “Free Animal Rights Posters, Leaflets, Flyers And Other Outreach Materials”
Introduction Most animal rescues and charities can only afford to keep running because of people who provide for them in their will. If you want to keep protecting and saving animals from suffering after your death, leave a gift in your will to animal charities. You can leave money, property, stocks and shares, vehicles, and …
Continue reading “Leave A Legacy To Animal Rescues In Your Will”