Introduction It is notoriously difficult to get people to break through their cognitive dissonance and see the reality. This page tells you the most effective animal rights vegan activism approaches for getting through to people, as found in a study of vegans. Image Source What Is Cognitive Dissonance? Somebody is suffering from cognitive dissonance when …
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Introduction On this page you will find lots of sources of help and support to go vegan. Whether you wish to improve your health, save the planet, or stop causing animal suffering, going vegan can be only a positive change. Maybe you would like to go the whole hog and be a fully fledged vegan, …
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Introduction Being a vegan, or a vegan activist, can be tremendously emotionally draining, even for the toughest people. It is common, as a vegan activist, to feel despair and hopelessness at one time or another. It is understandable to feel overwhelmed by all the cruelty in the world, and about how many people are funding …
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Introduction On this page are different types of animal rights activism that everyone can do. You can help stop animal abuse by raising awareness of it. Animal rights activism can be subtle, right up to much more visible methods. The more people who know about animal cruelty, the more people who will want to help …
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Introduction Adopting vegan or vegetarian diets are the kindest things you can do to reduce the number of farm animals suffering. Animals involved in factory farming, and the meat industry endure cruelty beyond our comprehension. Because the egg and dairy industries cause equally great suffering to animals, being a vegan is the best thing of all you can do …
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Introduction The single best thing you can do to save animals and the planet is to go vegan. It is better for the planet than recycling, reducing plastic, choosing an electric car. It is the single best thing you can do. You will be reducing animal suffering, improving your physical and mental health, and doing …
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Introduction Welcome to our site map. It is an organised list of links to all the pages on this website. Each page is listed under the section of the website it is in. The section headings can be found in the purple table of contents box on this page. A site map is often the …
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Introduction Protests, demonstrations, marches, and street performances can effectively draw attention to animal cruelty issues that many people do not know about. By finding out, they may be horrified to the point of taking action. You will see on this page how protests can really help stop animal abuse. An Embarrassment Street protests and demonstrations are …
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2 STAYING POSITIVE IN A F*CKED UP WORLD ASH NAYATE Praise for Staying Positive in a F*cked Up World “Dr Ash Nayate has provided us with a highly accessible means to understand the neuroscience of why activists and social change agents’ efforts are so often met with resistance. She then provides tools to help activists …
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About Me & The Motivation For This Website This page tells you a little bit about myself, what inspired me to put this website together, and whether I practice what I preach. Motivation For Building Website The motivation to build the website was my constant distress at the ongoing cruelty and suffering that humans put animals …
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