Table of Contents
Many irresponsible, bad breeders present themselves as responsible and reputable breeders. You have to be vigilant and very careful in order to avoid becoming a victim. Learn here how to spot a bad breeder.
Becoming a victim of a bad breeder means you can end up with huge veterinary expenses on top of your pet insurance premiums. This is because hereditary genetic conditions are often not covered by pet insurance because they are counted as pre-existing.
You are also have to go through the heartbreak of watching your beloved pet suffer throughout it’s life. Many of those lives will sadly be very short. Each breed has their own selection of health problems that has been bred into them, and bad breeding makes this a lot worse
Image: Learn here which diseases each breed is prone to. Keep in mind that bad breeding can make it very much worse. Image Source.

The Dangers Of Falling Victim To A Bad Breeder
Dogs from disreputable, bad breeders, which include pet shops, often have more health and behavioural problems. This is due to thoughtless and irresponsible breeding practices.
The vast majority of pet shops that sell puppies are supplied by cruel puppy farms. Buying puppies from pet shops is funding this cruel industry and the bad breeders that need to be stopped.
Image: A puppy farm can be inside an ordinary house, on allotments, or at isolated, remote properties, such as farms. Source

A Common Scam Of A Bad Breeder
A common scam is for a bad breeder to supply fake ‘papers’ with their puppies, saying they are pedigree/purebred dogs. They do this in order to charge hundreds of pounds for their puppies.
They are con artists ripping people off. These puppies sometimes grow up to have no resemblance at all to the breed their papers claim they are. I personally know of a good number of cases of this happening.

Among other things, you can check if a breeder is Kennel Club accredited, here: Kennel Club Accredited Breeders. They can be reported to the Kennel Club for any wrong doing. It may threaten their status with them as an accredited breeder.
Should You Save A Life Or Encourage More Innocent Deaths?
Not enough people adopt dogs and cats and too many people buy puppies and kittens. This encourages people to breed their dogs irresponsibly in an attempt to make money. Many of these pets end up abandoned. As a result, nearly four million loving, adoptable dogs are put to death each year across the UK and US alone.
There are two choices:
- Adopt a rescue dog which will save the life of an innocent dog
- Buy a puppy
The latter choice will further encourage breeding, add to the already huge dog overpopulation, and increase the already extremely high number of innocent dogs being put to death.
By adopting you save two lives in a way. You give a loving forever home to the pet you adopt, and you free up a rescue space which can save another innocent pet from being put to death if at the pound.
There are misconceptions people have that make them reluctant to adopt a pet. You can see the misconceptions and the truth about them here.
If you still choose to buy a puppy or kitten, it is vitally important that you find a reputable and responsible breeder and avoid bad breeders.

Breed Specific Rescues
If you have your heart set on a certain breed, there are many dog rescues dedicated to specific breeds. It is worth considering saving an innocent dog’s life by getting your dog from one of these rescues.
Personally, I would always recommend choosing a dog based on personality rather than breed. The most successful adoptions are where a dogs character has been matched to that of the adopter, and their lifestyle. You can find both general rescues and breed specific rescues throughout the UK and US on the here.
Image: Breed Specifc Rescue Poster. Source

Misconceptions About Rescue Pets
A common misconception is that pets that end up in rescues do so because they have problems and/or are old. This is incorrect.
The vast majority are there because the owners:
- Circumstances changed beyond their control making it impossible for them to continue giving their pet the care needed. For instance, the owner being in hospital long term or passing away.
- Purchased the puppy not realising the work, time, effort, or cost involved in training & raising it.
- Lacked forethought, getting rid of their pet due to what they term unforeseeable circumstances, such as having a baby, a relationship break up, moving house, losing their job, or increasing their working hours. (These are in fact events that we all know are possible in life and should have contingency plans in place for).
- Were irresponsible by not neutering their pets, causing unwanted litters, which then end up at rescues.
People never seem to learn, as the cycle of feeding death row in the animal pounds with innocent victims always continues.
If people continue to buy instead of adopt, puppies will continue to be bred, with many being abandoned. Those abandoned dogs will end up at dog pounds and will continue to die.
Image: Puppies awaiting adoption. Source

‘Good’ Dog Breeders
Many people feel that more pets should not be bred when so many are already alive that need homes, and are put to death.
Sadly, even breeders that may be considered good and reputable, breed health problems into dogs. See how here. It causes a life of suffering for the dog, and sadness and expense for the owner.
Image: The health of many dog breeds has been ruined.

It is a fact that some breeders are far more honest and ethical in their practices than others. A bad breeder increases the suffering of the pets. Even breeders that people think are reputable, are often not.
There are no controls on breeding pets, and many buyers do not know how to spot a bad breeder. Genuinely ethical and reputable breeders are in the minority of breeders as a whole. Read on to see how to spot a bad breeder. You will also see what you should expect from a breeder who is genuinely reputable.
Image: Even though there are ‘good’ dog breeders, there are many more bad ones. Despite being prize winning dog breeders, Alan and Julie Weatherley forced 12 pedigree dogs to travel 200 miles in a removal lorry in sweltering 30c heat. Source

What You Should Expect From A Good Breeder
You should try to find out as much as possible about the breeder. Make sure you do a search of their name online. Try to find reviews of them from as many different sources as possible., especially from sources where the breeder themselves cannot manipulate them by removing bad ones.
Here is what to look for, to not be conned by a bad breeder:
- A reputable breeder will always find a full waiting list of homes for all their puppies or kittens before they are conceived
- They never have to advertise puppies or kittens. This is because they are not irresponsible enough to breed them without already having good homes
- They will not breed the mother often, as they do not want her health to suffer.
- A responsible breeder will allow you to see the mother with the puppies up close. Check the mother is healthy and alert.
- They will always do the vital genetic health checks on the breeding parents. They will examine their family health histories so not to pass down defective genetic conditions. Always get proof of these tests. Take copies or photos. The breeder should be pleased to show you them. Excuses about why they cannot show them is a red flag.
- They will carry out health checks specific to the breed. Always ask for proof of this. Take copies or photos. Independently research what checks they should be doing for the breed you are purchasing, don’t take their word for it.
- All their puppies or kittens will be fully health checked, micro-chipped, vaccinated, and wormed. Get proof of this and copies or photos.
- Reputable breeders never wean the babies too early. Anything before 8 weeks is far too early and is likely to cause behavioural problems in the offspring.
- They will not mind you getting a reference from their vet about the care they give their animals. In fact they would encourage it.
- They will be a member of the Kennel Club Assured Breeder Scheme. Never take their word for it, always check. A bad breeder will often lie in the hope people will not check.
In addition, a responsible breeder will:
- Ask you lots of questions and visit the homes the puppies or kittens are going to. They will want to thoroughly check they are good homes. Their checks may seem invasive, but that only means they care about the pets safety.
- Offer lots of support and continue to check up on the pets progress.
- Be willing to take the dog back at any time in it’s life, if need be.
- Often provide the first years pet insurance free or insist proof is shown that buyers have pet insurance.
- Not breed dog or cat breeds that there is already an overpopulation of in shelters and rescues
Because responsible breeding is expensive, they breed more for the love of the breed, rather than for money. Bad breeders make money through reckless breeding and cutting corners. They then leave the new owners and innocent puppies and kittens to suffer the resulting problems
Image: A depressed rescue dog before he was re-homed. Source

Helpful Information
Kennel Club Assured Breeder Scheme (for buyers)
Kennel Club Assured Breeder Scheme (for breeders)
Adopt, Don’t Buy, While Shelter Dogs Die
More and more people are realising that buying a puppy is letting an innocent pet in a pound die, that they could have saved. People spreading awareness of the issue helps save innocent lives every day. You can help save lives by letting people know.
If a person wants a specific breed, there are many rescues that specialise in certain breeds. You would be surprised that most breeds have rescues.
If you would like to look in to adopting a pet, you may find the Adopting Rescue Pets page helpful.
You can find UK and US animal rescues on the Adopt A Pet Here page.
Alternatively, you may be interested in temporarily fostering a pet or wild animal. You would foster it until a permanent home can be found for it, or until it is able to return to the wild.
For information about this, visit the Animal Fostering And Sponsoring page. Fostering saves innocent lives.
Image: Poster about why fostering saves lives. Source

What Can I Do To Help?
There is a huge problem of animals being put to death because they are abandoned by owners who did not realise the work and sacrifices involved in owning a pet. The problem is also because too many people buy and breed new pets instead of adopting abandoned animals.
You can help save innocent lives by raising awareness of:
- animal adoption
- pet abandonment
- and by sharing this page about bad breeders.
- Sharing other information from this site on social media.
If you cannot help stop the deaths of innocent pets by adopting, fostering or sponsoring, you can help by cross-posting pets looking for rescue spaces (see the cross-posting page for details of what to do). Animal rescues are also usually in need of volunteers to help in a variety of roles.
Another way of helping save their lives, if you can afford to spare any money, is to donate at this website:
Pounds For Poundies

Even a small donation could mean the difference between an abandoned pet being saved or put to death. Even just the price of a cup of coffee at a cafe, or a bottle of fizzy pop. The animals on the site also need cross posted.
Image: Report Animal Cruelty to the Police! Source

Join Social Media Groups Where People Sell Animals
Report posts that are selling pets on social media, if it is against the policy of the site to do so.
Respectfully let people selling pets – especially for a low price or giving them away free – know about the dangers of doing so. Encourage them to re-home their pet through a reputable rescue, as they do thorough checks and have legally binding contracts that the pet may not be passed on.
With people who post saying they are looking for a puppy or kitten, respectfully encourage them to adopt from a rescue. Let them know they can find rescues in their area through this page, and that there are different sorts of rescues:
- General rescues
- Rescues for specific breeds only (for almost every breed known)
- Rescues for small breeds only
- Large breed only rescues
Let them know that they will be saving a life of another pet, as well as giving a forever home to the one they adopt. Tell them how the rescue space they make available by adopting a pet can save the life of a pound pet who would otherwise be put to death.
Pets only have a short period of time to be rescued from the local authority animal pound before they are destroyed.
There are not enough life saving spaces for all the dogs and cats who need them, so every adoption means another pet has avoided being put to death feeling lonely, unwanted and unloved.
How To Effectively Spread Awareness Of Animal Rights
Do you want to make the world a kinder place? do you want to help stop terrified animals being put through horrific cruelty? You can do that.
Being an advocate for animals can be very emotionally draining and distressing, so it is vital you care for yourself too. Have a look on this page to find out how to be an effective advocate for animals, whilst making sure you keep your mind healthy, strong, and happy.
You can find more ways to spread awareness here.
Other Ways To Help Stop Animal Suffering
On this site there are many varied ways you can help animals and help stop cruelty. There is something for every personality type, no matter what their circumstances.
If you would like to learn more about why we so urgently need to help stop animal suffering, please see this website. It will allow you to broaden your knowledge of many different types of world wide animal abuse. This will give you the ability to help animals by spreading awareness and answering questions people may have. Please be aware that you may find the information distressing, especially if sensitive.
One great way to help animals is to share the information you have seen on this website. Doing so means more people could help stop animal cruelty. That would make you responsible for more animals being saved from suffering. Together we can help people help animals <3

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Do you know of any information we have missed, or do you have anything to add? Or maybe you have spotted a mistake. Please leave a comment below.