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If you have computer skills, or just enjoy learning how to do things on a computer, you can help animals by running an animal rescue & adoption site online.
A website is a very important tool for an animal rescue shelter. It helps save animals lives by boosting adoptions. There are many small animal rescues that do not have a website at all. You can help by running an animal adoption site for them. There are others who desperately need volunteers to help with their existing animal rescue website. You can help them by helping with their website.
Image: You can use your computer skills to run an animal adoption site. Source

Having animals’ pictures and details on the website of animal rescues is very effective in helping them find homes. They are shared on social media, which is also a good way of finding them homes.
Animal rescues having their own pages on social networking sites is another enormously useful tool. See this page for more information of how you can help with that.
What Should I Include On An Animal Adoption Site?
A basic animal rescue shelter website usually provides information about the organisation, its contact details, its adoption policy, and how to go about adopting its animals. It normally also appeals for volunteers, fosterers, and donations.
If the website can be updated regularly, it should have pictures showing each animal that needs to be re-homed, information about each animals character, and the type of home it would be best in. It can also have a page about animals that have been adopted from the rescue.
It is a good idea for the website to spread awareness about the tragic plight of abandoned pets and encourage people to adopt rescued pets rather than buy pets, especially from pet shops which often support puppy farming and disreputable breeders. Let people know how they can help stop these problems.
If you have those skills, or could learn them, you would help numerous animals enormously by building and or updating a website for that charity or rescue.
Image: Screenshot of sample animal rescue website. Image Source

Which Animal Rescues Need A Website?
You may know of animal rescues near you and could enquire whether they have an animal rescue & adoption site, and social media page/group, and whether they would like somebody to create and/or regularly update these things.
On the Adopt A Pet Here page, you will see that some of the animal rescue shelters listed do not appear to have websites (at the time they were listed), or some that are very basic and are not updated with the individual animals that need homes. This is an indication that these rescues probably do not have volunteers with sufficient time or knowledge to do these things.
Before you build an adoption site for an animal rescue shelter, you need to approach them and get their permission and co-operation so they will provide you with the information you need.
Image: Use your computer knowledge to run an adoption site to help animals. Image Source

Where Can I Get A Free Website For An Animal Rescue?
The following websites offer free websites, that you could use to help animal rescue shelters and charities.
Image: Screenshot of a sample animal rescue website offered by Wix. Image Source

If you need help with home computer support, a helpful website to contact is EComputerz
Free Animal Rescue Website Building And Updating Service
If you run an animal rescue shelter and do not have a adoption site, or anyone to update it, read on to see how an animal lover with web design skills is using her knowledge to help animal rescues.
Belinda Sauro is a web designer and wanted to use her expertise to help animal rescues. She started in 1996, and offers to create and update your Animal Rescue site for FREE. Read about her commitment to helping animals here.
She only charges enough for website hosting to cover her costs – between $10 and $20 a year, depending on how big the site is. That is great value, considering what an important tool a website can be for an animal rescue.
In addition, you get access to free fund raising tools, and Belinda will teach you how to update the website, in case you or a volunteer want to do it yourselves.
Belinda is also appealing for volunteers to help her with the volume of work. Contact her here.
Image: A screenshot of, where you can get your animal rescue adoption site built and updated for free, with hosting between only $10 & $20 a year. Image Source

Other Ways To Help Animals
On this site there are many varied ways you can help animals and help stop cruelty. In fact, there are so many different ways that there is something for every personality type, no matter what their circumstances.
If you would like to learn more about why we so urgently need to help stop animal suffering, please see this website. It will allow you to broaden your knowledge of many different types of world wide animal abuse, giving you the ability to help animals by spreading awareness and answering questions people may have. Please be aware that you may find the information distressing.
One great way to help animals is to share the information you have seen on this website. Doing so means more people could help stop animal cruelty, and that would make you responsible for more animals being saved from suffering. Together we can help people help animals <3

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