Table of Contents
Due to campaigns and petitions, laws have been changed for the benefit of animals, and cruel practices have been ended by companies. Many animals have been spared terrible suffering. You can help by signing online petitions and email campaigns.
There are different ways you can get involved with campaigns, such as signing petitions, emailing, Government lobbying, celebrity lobbying, letter writing, telephone calling, leaving bad reviews for companies involved in animal cruelty, letting companies know what you think about their practices, and more.
You don’t even need to be part of an organised campaign, you can do things on your own. You will be far from the only one doing it. As long as you are getting your message out there, it is helping.
Image: Animal petitions need your action. Image Source

Online petitions and email campaigns are an easy and great way to spread awareness of issues around animal suffering. You can start your own petitions too.
In many cases street protests can be used as an effective part of a campaign. Learn more about street protests and demonstrations, click here.
How To Sign Online Petitions Automatically
There are two ways to be able to sign online petitions instantly, meaning you do not have to fill in your name and address details every time.
The First Way:
Register with all the main online petition sites. This means that you only register your details once with each website and have the site remember them. However, beware of signing up with fraudulent petition sites. See the “Watch Out For Fraudulent Petition Sites” section of this page.
The Second Way:
Use an auto form filler tool. These are available to add to your web browser. After you have filled in the form once, just click the tool’s icon whenever you want all your information automatically filled in on each online petition.
Read on to find out where to find auto-form fillers, and legitimate online petition sites to register with.
Image: Different web browsers have different ways of setting up autofill to sign online petitions automatically. See Image Source

Tools To Automatically Fill In Online Petitions
To automatically fill in your details on online petitions, there are tools or apps you can use. There are different auto-fill tools for different web browsers. However, some, like Roboform, will work on multiple platforms. This website suggests the best three to use, and how to set them up.
The one I personally use on my mobile phone, is Fillr.
Image: Logo icon for Fillr app

Once you have an autofill tool, you will find it very easy to fill in online petitions, at the click of an icon.
Image: Roboform is one of a number of autofill programmes. Image Source

Watch Out For Fraudulent Online Petition Sites
Look out for fraudulent online petitions being shared on social media. Make sure people know which sites are legitimate, by sharing this information with them.
Fraudulent online petition websites are run by scammers and con artists. They also have social media pages and groups that go with their websites. It is very difficult to tell fake petition sites from genuine ones. New ones are being set up all the time, and they often have names similar to legitimate online petition sites.
Why do people build fake petition websites?
People create these fake online petition websites this so they can gather peoples’ details when they fill in the petitions. They sell those details to marketing companies and whoever else will pay for them. It also creates more traffic to their fake sites, which can earn them money.
Online petitions often have an option to donate to the cause you are supporting. Donations through the fake petitions go straight into the scammers pocket instead of to supporting the cause.
They take signatures away from legitimate petitions and never get delivered to anyone
These fake online petitions are a big money maker for the fraudulent petition sites. The petitions themselves do not get sent to their target.
The fake petitions on these sites also means a large number of important signatures are taken away from the legitimate petitions on the legitimate sites. They are actually hindering petition campaigns to stop animal cruelty. Sometimes the petitions are copies of petitions from legitimate sites, so when people see them on the legitimate sites, they think they have already signed them.
Well meaning animal lovers share fraudulent petitions
The fake online petitions are heavily promoted on social media sites, and are shared by unsuspecting animal lovers with the best of intentions. The fake petitions often use graphic images of animal abuse to grab attention.
Image: Be careful not to share fake petitions from these fraudulent sites. Source

List of fraudulent petition sites
You can find a website that tells you which are the fake petition sites and which are the legitimate ones, here.
Please share this important information widely, especially on social media sites. Making people aware is how we can beat the fake petition sites.
Reporting fake sites
In the UK you can report these sites, and other cyber crime to the national fraud and cyber crime reporting centre, here: ACTION FRAUD
Even though you may not have your money stolen by these sites, stealing your information under false pretences is very lucrative for them. Personal data is now the most valuable asset in the world. It has surpassed oil in value!
Image: Beware of fake animal petitions. Image Source

Find Online Petitions And Email Campaigns Here
Registering with online petition sites means you can sign petitions without having to enter your details each time.
Below are just some you could register with. The list includes links to animal charity and animal rights websites where you can support their petitions and email campaigns. On some of these sites, you can start your own petitions.
- ThePetitionSite
- (scroll down)
- RSPCA Petitions
Fraudulent Petition Sites:
This Facebook group exposes petition websites that are fraudulent, as does this website. The website also has a list of legitimate petitions. As new fake petition sites are constantly created, it is wise to keep up to date. Also check that none of the above listed petition sites have been found to be fraudulent since this page was published.
Image: Online petitions. Image Source

Finding Petitions Against Animal Cruelty On Social Media:
You can find one Facebook group that shares genuine petitions here.
You will also find online petition pages and groups on social media. Enter terms in to the search box on the site, such as: animal petitions; animal abuse petitions; animal cruelty petitions; stop animal abuse petitions; stop animal abuse petitions; end animal abuse petitions, etc. This will help you find them.
Help Animals Through Email Campaigns
Email campaigns are usually found online, on websites that campaign against animal cruelty. They can be emailed to you if choose, and are shared on social media.
Email campaigns are thought to be more effective than online petitions, although online petitions are very good for spreading awareness. This is probably due to the volume of emails the target will receive.
In appearance, most email campaigns look much like online petitions, except they have a pre-written email on them instead of a petition form. Like online petitions, these email campaigns require details, such as your email address and name.
Not All Email Campaigns Require The Same Effort
With most email campaigns, you do not have to do much more than add your name to a pre-written email and select “Send”. In others, there is a pre-written email and an address, or addresses, are provided for you to send the email to. You usually have the option to alter pre-written emails.
In a small number of cases, the content of the email is required to be personally written from scratch. However, background information about the issue, and guidance about what you might like to include in your email, is provided.
Using Your Own Words
Personalised emails can sometimes be taken more notice of, because it shows the individual sending the email is passionate enough about the subject to have taken the time to put the email together themselves. However, fewer people will go to the lengths of doing that than would sign a petition or put their name to an email.
Image: Animal rights email campaigns can be successful, especially in conjunction with other types of protest such as petitions and demonstrations. Image Source

The tone of the email should be kept civil and non-threatening, so the police do not become involved. It also prevents the animal rights movement being brought into disrepute. If this happens, it can create animosity and opposition towards the movement.
Protesting On Social Media
This is where a message is posted on social media, encouraging people to post messages or reviews on social media pages and groups belonging to a target. The post will provide a link to the target pages and groups.
If the target pages and groups do not allow new posts, people are asked to comment on any existing post with their message.
Just like companies and organisations are embarrassed by protesting outside them, they feel the same by their customers being able to read negative things written on their pages and groups. Unfortunately, they are able to remove comments and posts (but not reviews) from their social media pages. However, many are not immediately aware of them being there. If many people leave messages, removing them creates work for them. This stops them being able to conduct normal business.
Do not just limit it to social media. You can write reviews for companies on many different websites where they are mentioned. They cannot usually remove these reviews.
Example Of Facebook Protest Posting:
A campaign I have just taken part in online is to ask South Korea’s Department Of Agriculture to end the horrifically barbaric practice of burying farm animals ALIVE whenever there is an outbreak of a disease, such as Foot And Mouth. They do this as it is the cheapest way to deal with it, even though it is obviously unimaginably cruel.
It is something a number of Asian countries, such as China and Vietnam, repeatedly do to huge numbers of innocent animals with every outbreak.
The Facebook Post With The Instructions:
You are asked to comment on any post on the Department of Agriculture’s Facebook Page, telling them what you think of their cruelty. The post provides the link you need. In addition, the post provides you with a link to a form where foreigners can complain to the South Korean Government. There is a sample email you can copy and paste, or you can send your own heartfelt message.
Image: These are lucky pigs, at Tower Hill Stables Animal Sanctuary, but thousands of pigs just like these, with emotions just like humans, are regularly being buried alive in Asia. Source

Successful Campaign By A Hand Full Of People
Read here about how one young man, plus a handful of animal rights activists, used emails and letters to stop ferry companies transporting animals for the animal experimentation industry.
It just shows that you do not need large numbers to make a difference.
Image: Animal rights activist Luke Steele and his comrades at NAVA went up against big ferry companies and won. Image Source

Help Animals With Phone Calls, Letters, and Messages
As with emails, organisations do not want to be bombarded with letters and telephone calls protesting against animal cruelty and injustice. If they are inundated with calls, letters and emails, they have to deal with them, which takes up their precious time. The more emails, letters and calls they receive, the more it stops them being able to conduct their business as effectively.
Write to companies and organisations using whichever media you like, asking them to discontinue practices that cause animal suffering, and encouraging them to use cruelty free alternatives.
Image: Even celebrities write letters campaigning for organisations to stop their cruelty to animals. Image Source

Telephone Calls
Keep all telephone calls and letters non-threatening. There should be no grounds for the recipient to involve the police or to hang up on you. Keep them on the phone as long as possible, asking to speak to their superiors. If you tie the phone lines up, their business calls cannot get through.
Multi-Pronged Approach
The best organised campaigns use a multi pronged approach. They simultaneously use emails, petitions, letters, phone calls, street protests, boycotting, leafleting and postering, plus comments, complaints and reviews on the business’s social media and other internet pages.
Image: If animal rights activists tie up the organisations phone lines with phone calls complaining about their animal cruelty, their business calls will not get through and their business will suffer. Image source

Even Doing It On Your Own Helps
You do not need to be part of an organised email campaign to help stop animal cruelty. Every petition you sign, email or letter you send, post or comment you make on social media, or phone call you make, makes it more likely cruel practices will end.
Things You Can Do:
One way to help stop animal cruelty is to contact food companies. Ask them why they use ingredients in their foods that means they miss out on large groups of consumers, because they are either vegan, allergic or intolerant to animal products. Ask why they use ingredients that gain the company a cruel reputation among many people, when there are cruelty free food ingredients available. Encourage them to look into using cruelty free alternatives which would mean they would gain a larger pool of consumers.
Contact your local authority asking them to ban circuses that contain wild animals from coming to your area, and from travelling fairs and carnivals from giving out goldfish as prizes.
If Nobody Tells Them, They Won’t Realise
If nobody contacts the companies/local authorities, etc, they do not know that people do not like these practices. That means they see no reason to change.
Everyone who contacts them plants a seed, and as more and more people contact them about the same thing, the seed grows into a shrub, until there will be a point when enough people have contacted them to make them take some action.
You could even contact organisations using different email addresses or social media profiles if you have them, posing as separate people. If you are good at accents or voices, you could do the same on the telephone.
You could ask your partner, family and friends to contact them too. Offer to write the message/letter/email for them if they are not sure what to write.
Giving Positive Feedback Is Also Important
When companies do things that help stop animal suffering, such as if they remove animal products from their products, give them positive feedback. Contact them to thank them for doing it so they are encouraged to do more of it.
Help Animals By Contacting Celebrities
Celebrities have a lot of influence. To many people they are role models and icons. People want to emulate them, and are interested in what they are interested in. Through the internet, it is easy to find out if celebrities are caring and compassionate people, or animal lovers, and these are the ones to email.
Contact them about animal cruelty and suffering, and ask them to use their popularity to help. Ask them to speak out against animal cruelty and suffering on all the different platforms they have available to them. Ask them to promote and get involved in causes that help stop animal suffering.
Image: Celebrity animal rights campaigners. Image Source

Celebrities are very busy, so it can take perseverance to get results, but it is worth it. Only sustained efforts over a long period of time have ever changed anything. But with sustained effort, change WILL come.
Celebrity animal lovers have even been moved to write letters to companies to complain about their cruel treatment of animals.
Image: Actor Ryan Gosling writes animal rights protest letter. Image Source

Thinking Big
Ask animal loving celebrities to get together with other animal loving celebrities and create or support an annual or bi-annual event for animals, with a similar format to Comic Relief or Children In Need, where money is raised to help animals, while people are entertained but also educated about their suffering.
We have the National Lottery and the Health Lottery in the UK, but neither of these lotteries gives any funds to animal causes. Neither does the Government. Although some animal charities have their own lottery, it is not on the scale of the two mentioned above. Email famous people you think may consider starting a similar lottery to those, but for animal causes.
If enough people email enough animal loving celebrities about these things, they may realise how many people want it, and how important it is to people, and that may eventually make it happen.
Contact Them To Commend, As Well As Condemn
When celebrities do something that helps stop or lessen animal suffering, contact them to commend them for it. Similarly, if they do something that causes it, contact them to let them know of your feelings.
Image: Influential celebrities such as Simon Cowell and his fellow judges on Britains Got Talent Alesha Dixon, David Walliams, and Amanda Holden (all animal lovers), would be good people to contact regarding doing an annual television event for animals. Image Source

Help Animals By Leaving Reviews Online
Leaving bad reviews online for companies involved in animal cruelty, for everyone to see, can highly embarrass them. If they receive enough bad reviews because of their involvement in animal cruelty, they will take action to change it.
On the flip side, you can give good reviews to businesses that are making an effort to cut out animal cruelty.
Although companies and other organisations can delete posts and comments on their pages, I do not believe they can delete reviews. However, do not limit yourself to social media. Make sure you leave reviews where you can on all other websites that list your target.
Many Facebook pages representing companies ask people to rate them out of 5 stars. You can also write why you have given the rating you have. That is also the case on the website Trip Advisor. You must explain why you have given your good or bad review, so they know what they are doing right or wrong.
Image: A review about vegan & vegetarian cafe Kat’s Kitchen in Keswick, UK

Post On Social Media Sites And Respond To Pet Selling Or Wanted Posts
There are things you can do on social media sites that will help save animals from suffering. For example, on social media sites there are a lot of selling pages and groups that allow the selling of animals on them, or the giving away of them for free.
Report The Post
If it is against the policy of the social media platform to sell pets, report the post to the website.
On Facebook, you click the arrow at the top right of the post, then select “Report Post†from the drop down menu. Then select †This is an animal for saleâ€.
Unfortunately, if the pet for sale is posted in any way other than through Facebook Marketplace, that reporting option is not available.
Tactfully Let People Know Of The Dangers
If you see any pets being given away for free, or for a relatively small amount of money, make sure you comment on the post, warning of what can happen to them. You can learn about what can happen, here. Advise the seller to instead re-home their pet through a reputable animal rescue, or to at least do specific checks.
Posts on those pages and groups encouraging people to save lives by adopting and fostering animals instead of buying. Tell them how they can save innocent lives by adopting, and give them the sad statistics about pet abandonment, and the many resulting deaths.
Encourage animal rescues to advertise their animals in these groups and pages too.
Reply to peoples posts that say they want a puppy or kitten, with information about animal rescues, and why they should opt to adopt over buying.
Do the same in groups dedicated to people asking where they can buy certain pets and breeds, such as “Pets Wanted†groups.
If people want a particular breed of pet, direct them to specialist breed rescues.
Be Tactful And Diplomatic
Although it can be very hard, it is most effective if you are not confrontational and non-aggressive with your own posts and replies to other peoples posts. Try not to be insulting, preachy or condescending, even if other people try to argue with you. Stay polite and just be factual.
If people get offended, then the offence caused becomes the issue people start discussing, instead of preventing animal suffering. Plus, you are likely to be banned from the group, meaning you cannot help animals that way anymore.
There is a Facebook group local to my area that is all about selling animals, mainly puppies. Shown in the image below is a post I regularly put in the group, encouraging pet adoption.
Image: Post encouraging pet adoption on Facebook pet selling page. Source

What about Helping Animals Through Cyber Terrorism / Computer Hacking?
Cyber terrorism is where people hack in to an organisations computer system and cause damage, or bring it down completely, thus causing a hindrence to the business, and costing them lots of money, while they try to sort it out. They also take information and put it in the public domain, which can cause the organisation much embarrassment. They may also threaten to do things unless the organisation make changes.
Although nobody can deny that this is an effective way to force companies to sit up and take notice, it is illegal, and prison time is common for those caught doing it. Therefore, I would not recommend it. The animals need you free to fight for them, not in prison.
Image: Anonymous use cyber terrorism (hacking) for a wide variety of causes, which can include animals rights, such as in this case, protesting animal cruelty in Japan. See Image Source for more details of case.

Changing Laws Through Contacting Governments
If the target/recipient of a petition or email is a Government department or official, that is a form of Government lobbying. That is done to try to get laws changed to help alleviate animal suffering at the hands of humans.
Anybody in any country can email or sign a petition going to any other country’s Government, police or justice department, UNLESS the country box in the address section of the petition does not include your country.
If you live in the UK, the following link allows you to lobby your MP about urgent animal related issues on the political agenda:
Lobby Your MP
It only takes a few minutes to email or write to your MP and other politicians, but it could potentially save the lives of millions of innocent animals both now and well into the future.
There are numerous animal related issues you may want to contact the Government about. You may want to ask them to be more compassionate, forward thinking and progressive by bringing in a law that means a switch from unreliable and cruel testing on animals when developing medicines, to modern humane testing methods that are more accurate. You may want to press for harsher laws for people convicted of animal abuse – especially considering there is a link between animal abusers and people who go on to commit crimes against children and other people. Maybe you would like to push for a law against breeding puppies and kittens unless people have a license, or push for mandatory neutering of dogs and cats by law. Or you may want to raise a different animal related issue entirely.
Information supporting positive changes in the way animals are treated can be found throughout this website, which you can include when contacting the Government .
Image: Write to politicians about animal rights issues. Image Source

Petitions That Get The UK Government To Debate The Issue:
By starting an e-petition, you can influence government policy and laws in the UK. The petition can be open for up to a year and if your petition gets at least 100,000 signatures in that time, it will be eligible for being debated in the House of Commons.

You can create an e-petition for the UK Government here:
Petition The UK Government Online
If you sign a Government petition, your signature will only be counted if you confirm it by clicking the link in the email you receive. The email will be sent to the email address you put on the petition.
Image: Campaigning group PupAid collected over 100,000 signatures, so were awarded this debate in parliment about puppy farming. Image Source

Is The Petition Worth Signing?
To make sure the petition is worth signing, you may want to check who started the petition and who it will be sent to. Some people on petition sites set up petitions on the basis of “sign this if you agree with me that this is terrible crueltyâ€, but the petition does not seem to be being sent to anyone of any consequence.
If the petition is not sent to anyone that has any influence, signing it is probably a waste of time that could be better spent on more effective petitions.
Many campaign groups start petitions on petition sites and know who is best to send the peitions to to get the best outcome. Many animal rights campaign groups and charities have petitions on their own websites to sign.

This website tells you which petition sites are legitimate, and which are fraudulent. For more about this, see the WARNING: FRAUDULENT FAKE ANIMAL PETITION WEBSITES section of this page.
How To Effectively Spread Awareness Of Animal Rights
Do you want to make the world a kinder place by helping stop terrified animals being put through horrific cruelty? By helping to change peoples habits by raising awareness, you can do that.
Spreading the animal rights message can be very emotionally draining and distressing. Have a look on this page to find out how to be an effective advocate for animals, whilst making sure you keep your mind healthy and happy. You can find more ways to spread awareness here.
Other Ways To Help Stop Animal Suffering
On this site there are many varied ways you can help animals and help stop cruelty. In fact, there are so many different ways that there is something for every personality type, no matter what their circumstances.
If you would like to learn more about why we so urgently need to help stop animal suffering, please see this website. It will allow you to broaden your knowledge of many different types of world wide animal abuse, giving you the ability to help animals by spreading awareness and answering questions people may have. Please be aware that you may find the information distressing.
One great way to help animals is to share the information you have seen on this website. Doing so means more people could help stop animal cruelty, and that would make you responsible for more animals being saved from suffering. Together we can help people help animals <3

Have Your Say In The Comments Section
Do you know of any information we have missed, or do you have any information to add to this page? Please leave a comment to let everyone know about it.