Table of Contents
There are large number of different ways you can help animals online and save them from suffering. The internet offers numerous ways you can either earn/raise funds for animals for free, help find homes for animals, save the lives of pets on death row, help raise awareness of important animal rights or welfare issues, and help animals in many other ways. You can play games on the web, use apps, social media, and more. You can help animals online while you go about your normal online activities, and barely even notice you’re doing it!
Create An Or Update A Website For An Animal Rescue
Animal rescues are often in need of volunteers to regularly update their website. Some rescues – especially smaller ones – do not even have a website.
A website is an extremely important and helpful tool for all animal rescues and charities. If an animal charity or rescue does not have a website, their animals are at a huge disadvantage. Good websites showing the animals available for adoption are extremely helpful to faster re-homing of animals. Therefore the rescue is able to save more animals at threat of being put to sleep.
Use the website to raise awareness of issues related to animal abandonment, and let people know of the dangers of advertising animals online, free to a good home or for a relatively low price.
You can set up and run a website for an animal rescue for free. It is a great way to help animals online. For more details about this, see the Run An Animal Rescue Website page.
Image: Animal rescues often need people with computer skills to create and/or regularly update a website for them, which helps them save more animals. It’s a great way to help animals online. Image Source.

Create And update A Social Media Page For An Animal Rescue
It is extremely helpful for an animal rescue to have a social media presence. Volunteers are often needed to keep social media pages or groups updated for animal rescues. Unfortunately, these can be in short supply. Social media is a very effective way that animal rescues can engage people, gain support, spread awareness, and help rehome and save more animals from suffering and death.
Use the page or group to write in about the animals. Tell their stories, update supporters with their progress, appeal for people to adopt the pets, and for foster homes and sponsors. Use lots of pictures and videos of the animals. You would be saving lives if you did this, as adoption rates would go up, meaning life saving rescue spaces would be made available.
You can also use the pages and groups to raise awareness of issues related to animal abandonment, and let people know of the dangers of advertising animals online, free to a good home or for a relatively low price.
Find out more about how to do this, on this page
Image: One way of helping animals online is to run an animal rescue social media Facebook page. Image Source.

Take Part In Campaigns And Petitions
One way of helping animals online is by signing online petitions. There are also email campaigns, and other similar campaigns to take part in. There have been many successes over the years due to pressure put on organisations, at least in part, through campaigns and petitions.
Writing to companies questioning why they include animal suffering in their products is an effective way to instigate change. Ask companies who make food with animal products in why they do not make products that everyone can enjoy, even vegetarians, vegans and people with food allergies and intolerances. Point out to them how their profits would increase if they opened their food up to these new markets, rather than excluding them. If enough people do this, change will come. Companies do not know what people want, unless we tell them.
Contact charities who fund animal experimentation asking them why they do not instead invest 100% in humane methods instead, and telling them you – and many others you know – will never support them if they continue to support animal cruelty. Tell them you will actively campaign against them to lose them support.
Contact retailers who sell real fur, telling them you – along with others – will boycott them and actively campaign against them to lose the customers, unless they stop selling real fur.
See the Campaigns and Petitions page for advice on how to avoid scam petitions and how to automatically fill in petitions. This avoids you having to enter your details each time.
Image: Help animals online by supporting petitions and campaigns. Source

Share Petitions You have signed
Share petitions you have signed and campaigns you have taken part in, along with an explanation of what they are about.
See the Campaigns and Petitions page for how to avoid scam petitions, and instructions on how to automatically fill in petitions, avoiding having to enter your details each time. Share the information you find on that page on social media or in a blog, as it may encourage people to sign more petitions
For more information, see the Help Stop Animal Abuse By Raising Awareness page.
Image: Help animals online by using campaigns and petitions to change things for the voiceless.

Save Pets On Death Row By Cross Posting
You can save abandoned animals lives by cross posting. Animal cross posting can also be known as sharing and networking. It is sharing posts you see on social media about animals needing life saving rescue spaces at animal rescues. The animals are usually in a local authority pound and only have a limited amount of time to find a rescue space before they are put to sleep. They are put to sleep to create room for more abandoned pets. More cross-posters are always needed.
Different countries, states, and municipalities have different laws and rules about how long the local authority hold animals before they are put to sleep. In the UK it is seven days, but in the US, it is much, much less. Without pound helpers / pound pullers and cross posters, many more innocent abandoned animals would die.
For more information, see the Cross Posting page.
Image: The dog I fostered (below left) was in a local authority dog pound at the other end of the country to me. If the pound puller had not gone into the pound and got his details, and people hadn’t shared those details on social media, he would not have found a rescue space. That means he would not be alive today. There is also the life saving transporters to thank for transporting him up the country to his rescue space.

Click To Give Sites, Games That Give, And Apps That Donate
Visiting ‘click to give’ websites is just one way of earning money for animal charities FOR FREE.
There are also games that you can play online, apps you can use, and other online activities. They all earn funds or supplies for animal causes.
Visit the Click To Give Sites, Games That Give, And Apps That Earn page for details.
Image: Great ways to help animals online: ‘Click To Give’ websites, free games that donate, apps that give back, and other online activities. Source

Share To Raise awareness Online
You can help raise awareness of animal cruelty by sharing information and images o social media. The information you share can be from this website, or other animal advocacy websites. Encourage others to share the information too.
Posting On Social Media
When posting links to website pages on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, write something on the posts that will make people curious enough to to click on your post to find out more. Explain what the post is about.
If people do not understand what your post is about, it will be lost on them, so make sure you give a good, clear explanation, with good spelling and grammar.
Help Others Help Animals
If people read your post, it may make them feel like they want to do something to help stop animal abuse. It is therefore good to also share links to web pages about how they can help stop animal cruelty.
Image: Sharing information from this, or other animal advocacy websites, on social media is a great way to help animals online. Source

Report Online Animal Abuse
If you see evidence of animal cruelty on the web that you want to report, find the best way to report it here. Reporting it the best way gives it more chance of being investigated, and the perpetrators being caught. Do not just report it to the site it is on, because then the evidence will be removed and nothing else done.
Image: Help animals online by reporting cruelty the right way.

Report Animals For Sale On Social Media
Many social media groups have a policy of no selling of animals on their platform. If you see an animal for sale in a Facebook selling group, there is the option to report it to Facebook.
You click the arrow at the top right of the post, then select “Report Post†from the drop down menu. Then select †This is an animal for saleâ€.
If the person has not done this through the Facebook Marketplace, unfortunately the option is not there (correct at time of writing). It is a good idea to contact Facebook and urge them to rectify this problem.
Image: The options you should see when reporting an animal for sale on Facebook Marketplace

Post In Pet Selling Groups On Social Media
Post and comment in pet selling groups encouraging people to save innocent lives. Encourage them to fostering or adopt a rescued pet. Do this tactfully and respectfully, otherwise you could be blocked from the group.
Provide them with links to rescues they can adopt from, such as this list. They can find rescues local to themselves, or specialist breed specific rescues.
It is also important to tactfully alert people to the dangers of advertising pets free to a good home or selling them for a low price.

Shop At Your Favourite Shops Through Fundraising Websites
By doing your shopping through fundraising websites, you can raise money for animal charities. You can do this at no cost to yourself.
Thousands of different well known retailers and are registered with the fundraising sites on this page, as well as numerous animal charities.
All you need to do is choose the animal charity you want to raise money for and start shopping online through the site. You do not pay any more than you would if you had gone directly to the retailers’ site. You just shop as normal and barely notice that you are helping animals.
For more information, see the Shop through fundraising websites page.
Image: You can help animals online by shopping with the retailers below, and many, many more, through fundraising shopping websites.

Use Charity Search Engines
If you do your normal internet searches through charity search engines, you can raise money for free to help animals. You can use them to search the web, or shop on the web. The amount you raise depends on which charity search engine you use, and how often you use it.
It means you can earn money for animal charities for free as you go about your normal business online. Although only very small amounts are earned by each search, but they mount up over time. Plus, with enough people doing it, large amounts are raised.
Whether using a PC, laptop, Mac, tablet or phone, you can raise money this way. There are often apps you can use if searching on a mobile device.
The charity you want money to be donated to has to be registered with the charity search engine, so if you know of animal charities that could benefit, tell them to register with these search engines.
For more information see the Charity Search Engines page.
Image: You can help animals online by raising money for free for animal charities through charity search engines. Source

Buy From Online Charity Shops
Help animals by buying from online animal charity shops. Here, you will find links to many online animal charity shops. You will also find links to auctions and sales in aid of animal rescues. They are a great place to find gifts for family and friends, or to treat yourself.
Image: One way to help animals online is by supporting online animal charity shops, sales and auctions.

Broadcast Animal Rights Activities
Whether you know a bit about journalism or not, your mobile / cell phone is an effective tool against animal cruelty and suffering.
Main Stream TV Bias
The main stream media (TV) do very little coverage of animal rights events and activities. They are reluctant to cover animal rights issues because they do not want to lose the revenue from their advertisers. These advertisers sell products that involve animal suffering, such as meat, dairy, eggs, and pharmaceuticals. they need to keep them onside.
Use Your Phone To Promote Animal Rights On The Web
Because the animal rights message cannot get to people through main stream television media, it is important to use the internet to do it.
People can use their mobile or cell phones to film and/or report on animal rights issues and events anywhere. It may be to document the Save Movement activities, film animal rights speakers giving talks, or to cover any other animal rights issue. Filming it and/or reporting on it will bring it to many peoples attention. It does not even matter how big or small an activity you are reporting on is.
Contribute Your Work To Existing Networks
You can be a contributor to a network like, or you can have your own YouTube channel. Be sure to share your work on social media too. That is a big part of reaching more people.
Learn How To Make Quality Work
Have a look at JaneUnchained to see other people using their cell and mobile phones to bring animal rights to the fore. Viewers usually decide whether a video is worth watching or not within the first three seconds, so make sure you hook them in within that time. One thing that is recommended is to invest in is a stabiliser for your phone like this one or this one. This is to stop shaky jerky camera work putting people off watching. The better the camera work, the more professional it looks, and watchable it is.
Do not be afraid to speak your feelings when filming. You do not have the constraints on your coverage that you would have if you were trying to get it shown on TV. At the same time, keep in mind that you do not want to leave yourself exposed to being sued.
Make Sure People Know What They are Seeing
It is important to explain to people what is happening in your videos. Even if you do not want to be a reporter yourself, maybe a friend of yours would do the reporting.
Another good idea is to use an app to add captions / subtitles to your video. This means that your video can be watched with the sound off, and still be understood. If it is not English spoken in the video, adding English captions is advisable.
If people do not understand exactly what is going on, you will quickly lose them as viewers. When you post your video, make sure you write an explanation of exactly what is happening. Make people curious to watch it.
Video: Jane Velez-Mitchell from JaneUnchained is a former television anchor and reporter. Here, she explains how to make your phone your best tool to help animals. Source
Raise Money For Animals On Ebay For Charity
Help animals online by using the ‘eBay for charity’ part of eBay. You can buy items that donate between 10% and 100% of their sale price to your chosen animal charity.
You can also sell items yourself and choose how much of the sale price you wish to give to charity. Both new and second-hand goods can be sold. You could hand craft items yourself to sell.
If the animal charity you wish to buy or sell on ebay for is not registered with ebay for charity, contact them and ask them to register. That’s what I did with Soi Dog, the animal charity that saves dogs from the meat trade in Thailand. They registered and have been benefiting ever since.
You have to create an account with both eBay and PayPal to buy or sell on eBay.
For more information, see the Ebay For Charity page.
Image: You can raise money for animal charities by buying or selling through eBay for charity. Source

Run A Social Media Fundraising Page For An Animal Rescue
You can help save animals from suffering by helping animal charities and rescues fund raise online.
Most animal rescues and charities have social media pages with supporters on them. Many are in need of volunteers to run fundraising pages or groups for them. This is especially so with small, less well known rescues.
Create Or Help Run An existing Fundraising Page Or Group
If the charity or rescue already has an internet fundraising page, you could offer to help manage it. If they do not already have a fundraising page, you could set one up and run it. You must have their permission to do so.
Internet fundraising pages and groups are especially helpful to small animal charities and rescues that do not have the fundraising power of well known organisations.
On this page you will find many different ideas of online fundraising events to run. By trying the different events, you will get to know which events your supporters respond best to.
Popular Online Fundraising Events
Popular fundraising events include 50/50 draws (50% of the money goes to the rescue, 50% to the winner), and online animal charity auctions and sales.
The auctions and sales are a fantastic place to buy gifts for friends and family, and it’s a great feeling knowing your money has gone to such a good cause.
If you would like to browse current online animal charity auctions and buy-it-now sales, see here. You will also find many online animal charity shops on this page.
If you want to run online fundraising events that offer large monetary prizes, you may be required to either keep within The UK Gambling Commission rules, or purchase a gambling licence.
For more information on all of these things, see the Internet Fundraising page.
Image: Raise funds for animal charities and rescues by running an auction on social media.

How Else Can I Help Animals?
There are many other ways you can help save animals from cruelty and suffering. It does not matter what type of personality you have, introvert or extrovert, shy or outgoing, there is something absolutely everyone can do. Have a look at all the different things you can do, here.
If you would like to learn about the different kinds of cruelty animals face worldwide, have a look at this. Please be aware that you may find some of the information distressing.

Do you have anything you would like to share? Or have you spotted a mistake? Please leave a comment below.