Table of Contents
You can stop animal suffering in a huge way by doing ethical shopping. On this page you can find out about all aspects of ethical shopping surrounding animal suffering. There is information about what consider when buying food products, cosmetics, toiletries, cleaning products, which brands and countries you may want to buy from or not, which travel companies you may want to give your money to, and issues surrounding palm oil. It will also help you understand what can be misleading company statements, hidden ingredients, and more.
It can be confusing, but this page will:
- Help you understand the labels and their loopholes
- Stop you being duped by misleading company statements
- Direct you to sites where you can check which companies and brands do and do not test on animals
- Direct you to sites helpful with ethical shopping
Misleading Company Statements
Cosmetics, toiletries, cleaning products, or their ingredients, could be tested on animals. Some companies have been known to boast that they do not test on animals, only for it to come out that they instead fund other companies to do the testing for them.
There can be products that are labelled cruelty free (not tested on animals), which by many are NOT considered a cruelty free product. This is because, although the product supplied to some countries may not be tested on animals, the company chooses to also sell the product in countries such as China, who insist by law that the product must be tested on animals.
Just to add to the confusion, a product being labelled vegan does not mean it is “cruelty free” (i.e. not tested on animals), and vice versa.
Image: Make a huge difference to animals by closing your wallet to cruelty and only doing ethical shopping. Source

Companies Sponsoring Cruelty
This page also exposes companies who feel it is acceptable to sponsor and fund animal cruelty at events, and companies who willingly transport innocent panic stricken animal victims to their terrifying death.
The Animal Testing Law In Europe
On March 11th 2013, the European Union made it illegal for cosmetic and personal care products to be sold inside the EU that have been tested on animals, or that have been made with ingredients tested on animals. They cannot be sold inside any European countries that are members of the EU if they had any animal testing done on them or their ingredients anywhere in the world.
This law saves billions of innocent animals from a life of excruciating and unjustified torture.
However, If you use the internet to buy direct from China, or other countries outside the European Union, this law will not apply. This could include buying from sites such as eBay. It means the products and their ingredients could be tested on animals. In some countries, such as China, the law requires that cosmetic and personal care items are tested on animals.
Companies Choosing Profit Over Compassion
Many companies claim to be against animal testing, but if they choose to sell their products in China, they have chosen profit over compassion. They often say they are cruelty free and do not test on animals “except where the law requiresâ€. This means buying their products will fund animal testing.
There were plenty of companies choosing to provide us with cruelty-free shopping even before the European ban. See the “Quick Guide To Cruelty-Free Shopping†section on this page.
It is a concern that the EU animal testing ban may be ignored in certain countries, just like other European laws are flouted. Many countries are corrupt and do not enforce the laws, especially when they concern the welfare of animals (see cruel animal overpopulation controls as an example).
Image: Countries with the EU animal testing ban on cosmetic and personal care products, or their ingredients (2017). Source

Confusing And Misleading Company Statements About Animal Testing
Companies behind big brand name products often fund animal research. This causes a huge amount of terror, pain and suffering to millions of animals. They have to endure this for their entire lives until they are killed. Even if testing on animals is banned where you live, the same product may still be tested on animals in other countries.
The method of testing on animals is outdated, unreliable, unsafe and unnecessary. See the animal experimentation page for more information.
Companies can put misleading information about not testing on animals on their packaging. here are some examples, and what they can really mean.
“This product is not tested on animalsâ€
This can mean the that, although the finished product was not tested on animals, the ingredients could have been..
“We do not test on animalsâ€
That statement can mean that they outsource the testing and other companies do it for them.
“We are against animal testing unless the law requiresâ€
Statements like this mean that they have chosen profit over compassion by choosing to sell the product in countries where the law means it has to be tested on animals. Companies who are truly against animal testing refuse to sell in those countries, at least until the law is changed.
“Cruelty Freeâ€
This means ONLY that the product is not tested on animals, it does NOT mean there are no animal products in the product.
These, and other statements, can be used to mislead consumers into thinking they are buying ethical shopping when they are not. Understanding them, and what they mean, will help you with doing ethical shopping.
Putting A Generic Bunny Logo On The Packagaing
Some companies have a picture of a bunny on their product packaging, but not any of the official bunny logos that actually mean something. They do this to trick consumers into thinking it must be another bunny logo meaning the product is cruelty free. If the bunny picture is not one of the official logos below, do not take it to mean anything.

If you are unclear about a product, it is best to contact the company and make sure they answer every one of your specific questions satisfactorily. This is easily done on social media, or through their websites.
Image: Monkeys are forced into narrow restraint tubes where they cannot move or defend themselves. Imagine the claustrophobia! Avoid funding this by doing only ethical shopping. Source

Does It Have To Be Labelled Vegan To Be Vegan?
In many countries, there are as yet no laws defining what labelling as “vegan” exactly means.
Food Labelled Vegan
Some people will only buy food that is specifically labelled vegan. This labelling is widely considered to mean the product has no animal derived products in its ingredients, and there were no animal products used in the manufacturing process. It does NOT mean the product is cruelty free, i.e. not tested on animals.
Food Not Labelled Vegan, But Appears Vegan
Many products are not labelled vegan, but if you look at the ingredients, do not have animal products in them. Many people still consider these to be vegan. Watch out for hidden animal products though. They can be listed as something other than an obvious animal product. See the image for examples.
Image: I have this image saved to my phone so I can reference it whenever I need to.

Allergy Advice Warnings
Most products have a warning on them similar to “May contain traces of milk.” This is considered by many to be allergy advice. It is a warning of accidental cross contamination because of the product being made in a factory where foods with animal products in them are also made.
Ethical Shopping: The Humane Myth
As consumers have become more concerned about the animal welfare behind what they buy, companies have come up with ways to lull consumers into thinking they are doing ethical shopping, when they are not.
Labels such as “free range,†“cage-free,†and “humane certified†are put on products such as eggs and meat. Well known animal welfare organisations even put their names to such certifications. They back it up by doing pre-announced inspections, but undercover footage of such farming operations have exposed terrible cruelty and conditions in between these inspections.
For more information about why humane animal farming is a myth, see here.
Slaughtered Animals, Factory Farmed Animals, And Animal Derived Products
Any goods that have products or ingredients in them derived from animals involve animal cruelty and suffering at some level. If you want to help animals, your ethical shopping should not include such products.
In The Egg Industry – Even Free Range
For instance, in the egg industry, millions of male chicks are thrown in to grinding machines and ground up alive. This is because they were born male and are no use for egg laying. In other cases they are commonly suffocated or gassed – which sees them panicking and desperately gasping for breath – left to freeze to death outside, thrown in to bins alive to be crushed to death under the weight of hundreds of others. This is just one act of cruelty by the egg industry, which includes the “free range” industry.
The sad fact is that buying these products funds these horrifying acts of cruelty, and many others. Profit is what the industry cares about. Only closing your wallet to them will make them listen and stop treating animals in these horrific ways. Your ethical shopping can change things.
Image: Male chicks in the egg industry are ground up alive, or are gassed / suffocated / crushed to death. Animal lovers do ethical shopping to avoid funding this. Source

There is so much that the meat industry hides from consumers. To learn more about what else happens, see factory farming and From Farm To Slaughter House.
Save Hens From Slaughter And Have Eggs Laid
A way of making sure your eggs are ethical is by adopting ex farm hens from charities who save them. You will be rescuing the hens from being slaughtered after an awful life where they were unable to spread their wings or perform behaviour natural to them. No wonder the birds are driven mad and to harmful behaviour.
If you take their eggs, make sure you replace them with imitation eggs to avoid distress to the hens.
Do not buy new hens that have not been rescued from a farm, as you will be funding the cruel trade you are trying to avoid. Your adopted ex-farm hens should be allowed to live out their natural lives in comfort and safety with you..
If you have no room for ex-farm hens, ask around for somebody who has adopted them and do your ethical shopping by buying eggs from them.
You could alternatively sponsor ex-battery hens through a rescue and ask if you could get your eggs from them.
There are also egg replacement products, including The Vegg, vegan egg yolk made of plant based ingredients, and Easy Egg.
Leather And Fur
Skin sliced from the bodies of animals is used as sofa coverings, shoes, jackets, handbags, belts, and many other items. The softer the leather, the younger the animal it has been sliced from.
Buying a good quality imitation / faux leather sofa, means that your sofa gives you the same wipeable and comfortable qualities as a leather one, but without animals having suffered terribly for it.
Regarding footwear and other fashion, innocent animals go through horrific suffering so people can wear their skin. If manufactured in other countries, such as China, leather goods can be made from cat or dog skin, but is not labelled as such. This is senseless when there are good quality ethical shopping alternatives.
Rather than drawing looks of admiration and envy from people, wearing animal parts are more likely to get people looks of horror and disgust. This is especially true if you are wearing fur, as innocent animals are beaten and then skinned ALIVE for their fur.
Image: With leather, the softer the leather, the younger the animal was that suffered horrifcally for it. Doing ethical shopping will avoid funding such cruelty. Source

Puppy Mills, Pet Shops And Back Yard Breeders
When considering getting a dog or cat, choose to adopt so you save an innocent animals’ life. Buying sadly adds to the death toll. It does this by encouraging people to breed more dogs and cats for profit. Because there are far too many dogs and cats already, and not enough adoptive homes, many innocent animals are put to death at local authority pounds and shelters every year.
Abandoned Pets
Some people assume that abandoned pets must have problems, when in fact, it is often the owners who had the problems, were irresponsible, and unprepared. Abandoned pets often end up in shelters and pounds where only a fraction make it out alive.
Puppy Farms
Many people buy puppies from pet shops, which are often supplied by incredibly cruel puppy farms, or back yard breeders, although they would never admit this.
The same is true of many online sellers of puppies. Do not believe the pictures or information on the website, as many of the puppies bought online in the UK are trafficked from puppy mills in Eastern European countries, and can even fund organised crime. Never buy a puppy you have not met and where you have not met the parents. Some puppy mills put on a front, with “show†parents, so you do not see the suffering of the real Mother.
Puppy farms, or puppy mills as they are sometimes known, are responsible for a huge amount of suffering to dogs. As well as the terrible suffering of the breeding dogs, the offspring often suffer from many medical conditions. A large number of these die young after a life of suffering as a result. If people did not fund these puppy farms,they would not operate. This would also cause there to be fewer innocent dogs being put to death at shelters.
Pet Shops That Sell Animals
Pet shops that sell any pets hide horrifying cruelty in their supply chain. Although the pets on show all look happy and healthy, here is what is hidden. When looking for ethical shopping such as animal care products and accessories, it is most ethical to support pet shops that do not sell animals, and instead encourage customers to adopt pets from animal rescues.
Image: Buying puppies from puppy mill supplied pet shops, back yard breeders, or online breeders, funds terrible suffering. Ethical shopping includes ethical sourcing of pets. Source

Why Avoid Products From Countries With Poor Animal Welfare Standards?
There are some countries where animals are treated particularly cruelly. In these countries there are no laws to protect animals from cruelty, or the laws do so are not enforced. Many people in such countries do not have compassion for animals and do not feel there is anything wrong in treating them badly and then killing them in terribly inhumane ways.
To show these countries their disgust at this, many people refuse to buy any products made in those countries. They refuse to contribute their money to the economy of countries that allow animals to be treated so badly.
An example of such a country is China. To see why people who buy ethical shopping boycott Chinese products, see these pages:
Animal Cruelty & Traditional Chinese Medicine
Avoiding Products Containing Palm Oil Or Only Buy Sustainable
Orangutans habitat in the forests of Sumatra and Borneo is constantly being cut down or burned so massive palm oil plantations/farms can be created. Many animals who live in these forests are terribly injured or killed during the clearing operations.
Because their home and source of food is taken away, orangutans often return to their homes, that are now plantations, and search for food . They are then shot by the plantation owners or workers. These animals are sensitive and loving to one another and they suffer greatly. Orphaned baby orangutans are often abducted, sold, and cruelly kept chained up for life as pets and status symbols.
If this carries on, orangutans will soon be extinct.
What Products Have Palm Oil In?
Palm oil is in many of the products we buy, from much of our food to personal care products and cosmetics.
Sustainable Palm Oil
Some companies state they only use sustainable palm oil plantations, which should be traceable. In reality is very hard to trace due to it currently not being well regulated.
Advocates of the sustainable palm oil movement warn that avoiding palm oil means other oils are used that lead to the same destruction. For other oils that require more land to make the equivalent amount, even more destruction could occur.
Image: Baby Orangutan clinging onto its Mother. Source

Quick Guide To Ethical Shopping
When it comes to animal testing, it is difficult to remember the numerous products that are tested on animals. It is easier to remember whether the comoanies that on the brands fund animal testing or not. There are just a few major companies who own most of the well known brands available, and the money from all the products they own goes to them, and funds their animal testing practices. You can find out who owns a product by checking the small print on the back of the products.
Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, Reckitt Benckiser, L’Oreal, PZ Cussons, GlaxoSmithkline, Church & Dwight.
Check in the small print on the back of the product to find whether any of these companies own it. If they do, some of the money you pay for the product will be used to fund animal testing and research.
You will find that the products owned by companies tested on animals are often the most well known products, because these companies spend a fortune advertising them. They basically then charge the consumer for the cost of this advertising. That is the main reason these well known products cost so much more than own brands or unknown brands. The companies would have you believe that the higher cost is because their product is better, but many shops produce their own brand version of the products that have been proven to do the job just as well, and charge a lot less money.
Co-op, Superdrug, M&S, Aldi, Nisa, Next, Argos, Sainsburys(toiletries only), Somerfield (toiletries only),Waitrose (toiletries only),Tesco (although in Asian countries Tesco do sell live animals to be boiled alive by consumers).
Morrisons has recently clarified that it does not fund animal testing for any of its products, so their own brand cosmetic and personal care (toiletry) products are cruety free.
Lush, Original Source, Astonish, Urban Decay, Liz Earle, Faith In Nature, Dentyl, Nina Ricci, Paul Mitchell Systems, Tommy Hilfiger, Victoria’s Secret, Prada.
Some countries, like China, require all cosmetic and personal care products to be tested on animals before they can be sold in the country. Companies that are truly cruelty free refuse to sell in countries where animal testing is required by law. Companies who put profit before animals, choose to sell their products in those countries, despite the cruelty it will cause animals.
When companies say they do not test their products or ingredients on animals, or fund animal testing, except when the law requires it – or a statement to that effect – it means that they have chosen to sell their products in a country like China, even though it will cause animal suffering. These are not cruelty free companies.
Below: Ethical shopping flyer for UK. If you do not want your money to go to funding cruel animal experimentation, check in the small print on the backs of products to make sure the brands are not owned by the following animal testing companies. They are still allowed to sell products tested on animals anywhere outside of Europe and continue to do so, despite being forced not to in Europe. You can go to their websites to see the full list of brands owned by them:
Proctor & Gamble:
Reckitt Benckiser:
PZ Cussons:

Find Out Online Which Brands And Companies Are Cruelty Free
Below are links that will take you to websites pages telling you which
brands and companies are considered to be cruelty free, and which are
PETA Cruelty Free / Not Cruelty Free, And Vegan Company Search
This site has lists of cruelty free, not cruelty free, and vegan company lists, as well as other lists. You can alternatively enter brand names in to the search box.
Leaping Bunny Product Search
Search here for Leaping Bunny certified cruelty free products.
Cruelty Free Kitty
On Cruelty Free Kitty you can search for 100% vegan and cruelty free products.
Why are some of the results different?
If you get confused by these lists, it is probably because they have different criterea for what they consider to be cruelty free. For instance, some lists are based on whether the product itself, or its ingredients, are tested on animals. Other lists are based on whether the company who owns the products funds tests on animals (since all the money ends up with them), and some take into consideration whether or not the company sells their products in countries where the law requires animal testing, such as China.
A Product To Avoid
A product to avoid in general is bleach. It causes enormous suffering to wildlife, such a frogs, when it contaminates the environment. There are products that are just as effective regarding killing germs and cleaning, but do not cause such suffering.

Every time you spend your money, you are casting a vote on the kind of world you want to live in
Anna Lappe
Plastic Polluting The Sea
Product packaging that is dropped as litter often finds its way into the sea. There, it is swallowed by marine life who think it is food. These animals can choke on it, or can die of starvation because their stomachs are full of litter that do not provide them with the nutrients they need. They can also get tangled in it, or their heads stuck in it.
Plastic is a huge problem, as are things like balloons. Balloon releases have become hugely popular. Hundreds, or even thousands of balloons are purposely released in to the air during balloon release events. These can end up killing land and sea wildlife.
Find Ethical Shopping Online and On The High Street
Below, there are websites that can help you find ethical shopping in your local supermarkets and other high street shops. However, you are not limited to what your local shops have to offer in the way of vegan ethical shopping, as there is also a whole world of internet shopping to be explored. See below for more.
Sites To Help You Find Ethical Shopping On The High Street – A website that reviews vegan food products in a down to earth way, and lets you know where you can buy it. You can find the products in supermarkets, high street shops and online.
My Vegan Supermarket – The biggest database of vegan products in UK supermarkets.
Vegan Womble – content put together either by, or with the help of the Vegan Womble Community – a friendly bunch of eagle-eyed sourcers and samplers from across the UK.
Online Retailers That Stock Cruelty Free And Vegan Products
Image: Many more vegan products can be found online than on the high street. They are good sources for ethical shopping. Source

My own favourite Cruelty Free Vegan Brands
It has taken quite a lot of trial and error to find products I like, so I thought it might be helpful to other people if I named some of them.
Personal care & Cosmetics
I tried a number of cruelty free and vegan facial sun creams before settling on Kiss My Face Sensitive Side SPF 30. It like this because it has a high sun protection factor, so protects against the suns ageing rays. I find that it has a matte look and does not leave me looking too oily, like most sun protection creams. Neither does it feel too dry. Further plus points are that there is no palm oil in the formulation and it is water resistant. It can bought for under £15 for a 4oz tube. Many of the more expensive ones I tried have not performed as well as this one.

- The Body Shop SPF 50 Skin Defence Multi-protection Essence is an alternative that I also use. It is very light and in a few minutes it absorbs into my skin leaving a matte appearance instead of the greasy, shiny one I have experienced with other facial sunscreens. I have eyes that are very easily irritated by virtually anything, so I have to be careful not to go too near my eyes. The SPF is a very high SPF 50, so should be good at slowing down the ageing process a bit.

- Beauty Without Cruelty Concealer Pencil, Fair – I always struggled to find concealer the right shade for my pale complexion. The Beauty Without Cruelty concealer pencil above is the best vegan and cruelty free concealer I have come across, I only wish it was available in a twist up pencil form, or a stick. To make sharpening it as easy as possible, it is a good idea to purchase the BWC concealer pencil sharpener at the same time.

Now For The Edible Goodies…First, Chocolate Bars:
- Having such a sweet tooth, I found most vegan chocolate not sweet enough. But then I found Vivani (the smaller version of the bar) or iChoc White Nougat Crisp. I do prefer it when it is slightly melted though. This may sound a little strange, but I usually sit on it, using my heat to soften it up!
Chocolate Spread:
- So Free Chocolate Orange Spread from Plamil – This is the closest vegan chocolate taste I have found to Terry’s Chocolate Orange. With being a spread, the texture is softer, but the taste is extremely close indeed. I love it, it is actually sweet enough for me, which most vegan chocolate product are not. I wish it came in bar or confectionery form too, tasting exactly the same, and with the lovely spread as the filling.
- Mr Organic Chocolate Hazelnut Spread – This is definitely the nearest vegan taste I can find to Nutella. It tastes just about exactly the same as Nutella to me – nearer than any vegan chocolate I have tried, including Vego bars, which other people told me tasted like Nutella. It is perfect in sweetness and I absolutely love it. I wish it came in bar or other confectionary form too, with thi squishy spread in the middle. It is more expensive than the chocolate orange spread, above, probably because it has no palm oil in it to help save the rainforests, but it is so tasty, it is worth the money.
- My Protein Flavdrops, Toffee Flavour – I find the toffee Flavdrops are delicious in hot drinks, in vegan milk, smoothies, and other things. Please note that the Strawberry and Raspberry flavours of the same brand are not vegan, as they contain the red coloured carmine food colouring, which consists of crushed beetles.
Milk Alternatives:
- Alpro/Provamel Cashew Milk – I have tried most of the available milk alternatives and my favourite is Alpro (also called Provamel) Cashew milk. It taste most like cows milk out of the ones I have tried, and also has the most subtle taste. It is nice to drink on its own and nice in anything else.
- Rice Dreams rice milk – This is my second favourite vegan milk alternative, as it reminds me of the taste of rice pudding. It also tastes lovely and creamy in cereal, tea and coffee, etc. Unless I drink the milk on its own, I cannot taste the rice flavour. There is also a vanilla flavour available.
- Alpro Vanilla Dessert Pots, 4 Pack – Alpro do quite a few products I like. This includes their 4 packs of lovely creamy vanilla dessert pots…
- Alpro Dark Chocolate Dessert pots – These dark chocolate desserts are delicious (much nicer than their Smooth Chocolate flavour)…
- Alpro Custard in a carton (which tastes the same as the vanilla dessert to me)…
- …and these tasty Alpro chocolate milkshakes. With all the Alpro products, I cannot detect any “woody†kind of taste that I sometimes can with soya milk products. I would never be able to tell that they were not made with cows milk.
Corporate Sponsors Of Cruelty
There are companies you may want to avoid because they sponsor events that involve cruelty to animals. These events involve terrible animal suffering and death. Yet many people think these events are fun because of the image they like to convey.
To learn the truth about the cruelty being Rodeos, please see Rodeo Cruelty
These companies support rodeo cruelty.
Image: Corporate sponsors of animal cruelty. Source

Transporters Of Primates For The Animal Experimentation Industry
Although a number of airlines and ferry companies have stopped transporting primates for the vivisection industry as a result of animal rights activists bombarding them with emails, phone calls and letters, a small number of airlines still continue.
Animals Ripped From the Wild
Some primates are trapped in the wild and cruelly ripped away from their family groups, whilst others are bred in captivity and confined on large-scale farms. During their shipment to laboratories, these individuals suffer greatly and some die.
Some Are Killed By The Ordeal
Some have to be put to death on arrival after suffering illness brought on by the stress and conditions of being shipped. The primates are shipped all over the world, kept in very cramped conditions with poor ventilation in wildly fluctuating temperatures for many hours.
Shipped To a Life Or Misery And Pain
The ones that survive this ordeal have a life of misery, agony and mental torture ahead of them, being experimented on in an animal research lab. This is their life until they die from this torture or are put to death because they are “spent†– no longer of any use to the lab.
Image: Two frightened primates in separate cages cuddle through the bars, desperate for comfort, in an animal experimentation lab.

Image: A primate is scalped so that scientists can experiment on its brain. Imagine the agony. Source

You Can Force Change
Refusing to use airlines who continue to transport animals for the vivisection industry, and letting them know why you will not use them, will help the fight against animal cruelty.
Many airline and ferry companies have decided to no longer carry animals destined for medical research. You can find out which airlines still transport lab animals, who doesn’t, and what you can do about the ones that still do, here.
Image: An ABX Air plane loading its cargo. Source

Travelling is fraught with risks of supporting animal cruelty, sometimes without realising it. Find out ways you can avoid funding animal cruelty when travelling, here.
Countries Cruel To Animals
To protest against countries that are particularly cruel in their actions towards animals, refusing to support their tourism industry is an effective measure, as is refusing to buy products made in such countries. This way, you are protesting against their treatment of animals by personally refusing to contribute to their economy in any way.
Learn more about cruelty in different countries below:
Cruel Animal Overpopulation Controls & Attitudes
Festivals Of Animal Torture & Other Cruel Traditions
Chinese Medicine & Animal Cruelty
You will also find more information by browsing the Types Of Animal Cruelty section of this website.
Cruelty Free Travel
When travelling, people often contribute to animal suffering without meaning to. Some animal encounters you may have when travelling are quite clearly cruel and cause the animal suffering, but others are not so obvious.
To avoid that being you, find out how you can avoid funding animal suffering while you travel, here.
You can find out more about the animal suffering behind animal tourism, here.
To help animals, you can contact travel companies who promote animal exploitation, telling them you will never use them because of their practices. They will never know people are unhappy about it and change their ways, unless people tell them. Contact them through their websites, or their social media pages (or both!).
Raise awareness about companies supporting animal cruelty, and about the alternatives people have available to them.
Energy Suppliers Supporting Animal Cruelty
Many gas and electricity suppliers use dead animals and animal waste in their production of energy.
Animals And Their Waste Used In Energy Production
Both well known and smaller energy companies pay farmers for dead animals and animal waste, thus supporting animal cruelty and suffering. Much of it comes from factory farms, whose intensive farming methods are particularly cruel.
Even energy companies who claim to be green take part in this practice. Considering the huge amount of damage the farming of animals does to our environment, and the enormous carbon footprint it has, these companies cannot be as green as they would like us to believe.
A Different Kind Of Energy Company
Ecotricity is a company that provides completely vegan energy, so you will not be supporting the continuation of animal cruelty, the destruction of the planet, world hunger, etc.
Image: Does your energy supplier make you support animal cruelty and destruction of the environment by using dead animals or animal waste? Table correct as of date published, 19/8/18. Source

You Can Change The Industry
If this makes you want to change to a supplier that does not fund animal cruelty, it is important to let your supplier know why you are leaving them. This is what will cause change. Even if you do not leave them, let them know you are very displeased that they fund an industry where millions of innocent individuals suffer terribly every single day. Only if they know will they think about changing. You can contact them through their social media pages, or the contact section of their websites.
Spread awareness about companies supporting animal cruelty, and let people know about the alternatives they have available to them.Let them know they can change the industry with their choices.
Want To Know How To Effectively Spread the Word?
Would you like to make the world a kinder place by helping stop terrified animals being put through horrific cruelty? By helping to change the habits of consumers by raising awareness, you can do that.
Spreading the animal rights message can be very emotionally draining and distressing. Have a look on this page to find out how to be an effective advocate for animals, whilst making sure you keep your mind healthy and happy. You can find more ways to spread awareness here.
Many Other Ways To Help Stop Animal Suffering
On this site there are many varied ways you can help animals and help stop cruelty. In fact, there are so many different ways that there is something for every personality type, no matter what their circumstances.
If you would like to learn more about why we so urgently need to help stop animal suffering, please see this website. It will allow you to broaden your knowledge of many different types of world wide animal abuse, giving you the ability to help animals by spreading awareness and answering questions people may have. Please be aware that you may find the information distressing.
One great way to help animals is to share the information you have seen on this website. Doing so means more people could help stop animal cruelty, and that would make you responsible for more animals being saved from suffering. Together we can help people help animals <3

Do you have anything you would like to share? Or have you spotted a mistake? Please leave a comment below.