Today I learned that House Of Fraser Department store is selling real fur. People have been flocking to their Facebook page to express their disgust and to tell them they are boycotting HoF because of it.
If anyone doesn’t know how cruel the fur industry is, have a look at this. In short, it includes animals being slammed against the ground, being skinned alive and fully conscious, even surviving in agony for a few minutes after being fully skinned. They are kept in deplorably cruel conditions before that.

Retailers choosing to sell real fur, when it is so cruel and there is such good faux fur available, seems incredible in this day and age. It gives the impression that HoF is out of touch with consumers, who are becoming more and more conscientious about shopping ethically, especially regarding animals and the environment.
If you are one of those consumers who is becoming more ethical in their choices, you can find a guide to ethical shopping for animal lovers, here. It will help you make sure your Christmas shopping will not be funding animal suffering, and could even help in the fight to stop it.
You can also help make your shopping have a much, much smaller carbon footprint if you avoid animal products, which is easier than ever before. You can find lots of products available, where to get them, and see the top picks, here. You can get chocolate, sweets and even all the parts of a traditional Christmas dinner. After all, avoiding animal products is the single best thing you can do for animals and the environment.